

As poets or architects of theatre Manifesto Poetico makes popular theatre that brings the language of the street to the stage without modern technology, and in so doing creates new theatrical languages that belong to the people. Manifesto Poetico does not have a formula, methodology or style, but creates with the people for the people to make Contemporary Popular Theatre, in which the audience’s imagination participates and is no longer allowed to simply be a consumer of the “product” but rather becomes co-creators as their imagination finishes the story that has only been suggested by movement and space. And so Manifesto Poetico searches for Poetic Languages, for and with the People. 

It is important that the architect builds in harmony with the identity and cosmo-vision of the people, but imagines and designs as a poet would. A Poet is someone who has the vision to integrate knowledge from the outside reality with his inner sensations in order to give us a different view of the world. […] The poet makes out of his work something suggestive that is going to penetrate in the domains of the dreams […] and make possible the things we believe to be impossible.
— Milena Quintanilla, Poética de la Arquitectura


Manifesto Poetico’s Spatial Dramaturgy is built to house contemporary themes such as climate change, immigration, war, equality and social justice. Manifesto Poetico does this with an anthropological approach in our TransPoetico Productions and pedagogic work.

Whenever the Laboratory travels Manifesto Poetico is dedicated to investigating the social climate. They survey locals and colleagues about their experiences and perceptions of the world.

Manifesto Poetico:

•    hears their stories and takes note of how they tell them.

•    asks what are the dominant means of survival in this area.

•    asks what worries them? What causes them anxiety? And what inspires them?

•    looks at their behavior, their spaces and environment.

•    looks at their gestures and use of language.

Manifesto Poetico goes through this process in each project under the direction of Theatre Maker and Anthropologist, Paige Allerton, director of Manifesto Poetico’s Department of Anthropology and Content Creation.

The content of Manifesto Poetico’s shows are highly influenced by the anthropological study from years of travel and have their own process of developing sharpened content that is universally relevant.